The Digest from TMC Digital Media | Foodservice, Hospitality and Travel Trends

A Sustainable Dining Experience

Written by Gabrielle Hoover | Sep 13, 2019 1:02:05 AM


Finding sustainable food is something that I try to find when out at restaurants or grocery shopping (although it’s not always easy).

This past June was my 30th birthday, and of course, I wanted to celebrate in style! Many friends had highly recommended a local restaurant here in Sarasota called Indigenous. I knew it was going to be an experience, but everything about the meal, the source of the food, and the service exceeded my expectations. My wonderful team here at TMC started off by organizing that a birthday gift certificate be delivered to my table at the restaurant, which was a delightful surprise to my husband and me!

As I started looking over the menu, I was pleasantly intrigued to see that the restaurant adhered to the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch® program. Living in Florida for the last 12 years, I have learned the importance of eating sustainably, especially when it comes to seafood. The waiter had all the details to educate us on where our swordfish and mahi-mahi came from. The meal was absolutely wonderful, as it was paired with seasonable vegetables and sustainability sourced rice. It was a meal to remember and the fact that the ingredients were mostly local to Florida made it that much more enjoyable!

For anyone who loves seafood as much as I do, I highly recommend downloading the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch® app or printable, pocket-sized booklet to see what your best seafood options are for your state. And a big thank you to my wonderful TMC Digital Media family for an incredible food journey I had for my birthday!



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