How to Optimize Your Foodservice Website Redesign for Search Engines

Jan 9, 2015 3:06:00 PM
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If your foodservice website looks like it was designed in 1985 by some guy wearing parachute pants, it might be time to join the 21st century.

But before you spend thousands on a new design that highlights your updated, modern brand, make sure you take time to consider the less glamorous aspects of website development.

Search engine optimization, or SEO, allows the content on your site to be found quickly and organically. Often, web users will go to Google or Bing and search for solutions to their problems. If your site contains content that provides those answers - and it's published using a series of SEO best practices – search engines will reward your content with high search results placements.

Before you task your marketing team or website consultants with building an optimized site (see Ways To Improve Your Foodservice Website in 2015), though, it's important to grasp the basics. The world of SEO is always changing with new algorithms and best practices, but here are some basics to consider:

The Top 10 SEO Considerations

1)      Think about SEO before starting your project.

2)      Do a thorough audit of your existing site.

3)      Identify and include important keywords.

4)      Set up 301 redirects.

5)      Consider your URL structure.

6)      Remove shady backlinks.

7)      Use responsive design.

8)      Unblock search engines from crawling your site.

9)      Add analytics tracking to your new website.

10)    Think like a human.

TMC Digital Media is happy to walk you through each of these steps in greater detail. We've assembled a new guide to help you through all the pitfalls we've encountered in our years developing foodservice websites.

Claim your free copy of our new guide, 10 SEO Mistakes to Avoid During Your Next Website Redesign.

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