TMC Digital Media Learning Center: Inbound Marketing and Sales Enablement for the Foodservice Industry

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Amy Dowling

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09 January 2018
Today I was on Facebook, and someone had posted one of those statuses that informs you you're not really their "friend" if you don't copy and paste the status as your own.
Like me, you've probably noticed that most people who post these statuses tend to be of the only demographic still forwarding chain e-mails (i.e. grandparents, great-grandparents, and anyone over the age of 70). So what followed wasn't all that surprising.


25 August 2017

During my 12 weeks away, I was able to gain a new perspective about who we are at TMC Digital Media. 


06 October 2016

We wrote about this topic in 2015, but with a new year comes ch-ch-ch-changes. If your website is simply a home to your company's address, a brief about us page, and maybe a phone number, then this blog post is for you. If you aren't investing into the digital 'home' of your website, you're missing out on leads. To find out how to turn your website into a tool, keep reading.


19 February 2016

We’ve all heard of the “pay it forward” concept and Random Acts of Kindness (RAOK). One person offers an act of kindness to another, that recipient then offers acts of kindness to a couple of other people, and the effect snowballs into a wave of generous acts spread across hundreds, or even thousands of people. Just like that time everyone paid for everyone else’s Starbucks.

So why not take the RAOK concept and apply it to your social presence?


29 January 2016

Hi! My name is Amy Dowling and I’m excited to be the new Inbound Marketing Consultant here at TMC.

Let’s start with the lighter side of things and then we can get down to business. First things first, I LOVE coffee. Dark roast only, no light roast here, please. I’m a faithful French presser, but I see an upgrade to the Flair in my future.


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