How To Improve Your Foodservice Website in 2017

Oct 6, 2016 9:08:40 AM
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We wrote about this topic in 2015, but with a new year comes ch-ch-ch-changes. If your website is simply a home to your company's address, a brief about us page, and maybe a phone number, then this blog post is for you. If you aren't investing into the digital 'home' of your website, you're missing out on leads. To find out how to turn your website into a tool, keep reading.

Did you know that more than 75 percent of all Internet users conduct online research before making a purchase? According to the Corporate Executive Board, prospects make 60 percent of their purchase decision before even speaking with a sales rep. These are critical statistics that support the need for an inbound marketing strategy, and that strategy always begins with a website. 

So what would it look like to work with TMC?


Our typical timeline for completing a website is between 16-20 weeks. For projects with a larger scope, this process could take six months or more. Keep reading to find out how the project flows and what you can expect. And if you have any questions as you're reading, just holler.

WEEK 1: Kickoff Meeting

The kickoff meeting is our time to gather information and determine what elements are needed on your new website. At this time, you can request 'must-haves' for the website and let us know what you're going after with the look and feel of your site. 

We want your website to be unique and add value for you and your customers, so getting a solid understanding of your goals is essential. We'll also offer guidance based on our experience and industry best practices.  

WEEKS 2-3: Assets and Design Mockup

As the project kicks off, you'll provide us with any assets we need for the site (think logo, any images you'd like to use on your website, etc). We'll get to business on creating a design mockup, which is a PDF document of images depicting the layout and design of your new site. 

WEEKS 4-7: Feedback and Final Mockup Proof

During this time period, we'll have a couple of drafts on the mockup, based on your feedback. We go about it like this: we provide a mockup and go over it together. Next, we welcome your feedback, and then adjust the mockup based on our discussion. By week 7, the mockup will be finalized and thus the next phase begins!

WEEKS 8-18: The Development Phase

This is where things get really fun. Once we have an approved design mockup, we'll begin building your website on a development site with a special URL that is visible to you, but not anyone else. This site will be interactive and will navigate just like your future website--it gives you the ability to experience your site with all the digital senses. 

This is the most time-consuming part of the process because it may include custom coding, custom design, and more, depending on the scope of the project. During this phase we provide several drafts of the development site to you for feedback. We begin by going over the design and navigation, and then add content to the site as we continue. By about week 18, your site will be complete and once you give us the final go ahead, we begin the launch phase!

WEEKS 18-20: The Launch Phase 

During the launch phase, we'll be taking your newly built site and moving it from the development site to your actual URL. This process can take as little as a few days, but we like to build in time for testing and quality assurance to make sure everything is squeaky clean and ready for launch. 

Once you've reviewed the new site at your URL...Houston, we have lift off. We're ready to announce your site to the world!

Still need a little more information? Click the image below and learn more about how a new website can drive traffic, create leads, and increase sales. 

25 Website Must Haves for your Foodservice Business

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