It’s been said that the best camera is the one that’s with you. In today’s world of technology, smartphones are just as powerful, if not more powerful than a high-end camera like a DSLR, especially when it comes to video. In fact it’s not even close with the latest iPhone 7 capable of shooting stunning 4K quality video. The foodservice industry is at the cusp of a video takeover and you may already have all the equipment you need in your pocket at this very moment.
Video is here to stay. And Hubspot agrees. HubSpot CEO Brian Halligan said at INBOUND 16 this past November that 50% of content in 2017 will be video. Think about that. Half of all the content produced should be video. Now is the time for a self-audit. How much of your content is video right now? Probably not half, maybe not even 25%? What an opportunity for your organization to stand out amongst the noise by adding video to your inbound marketing strategy. And if you’re new to video or video marketing and feeling a bit overwhelmed, fear not. It’s easy to get started creating valuable video in the foodservice industry and all you need is that same iPhone you’re on at all hours of the day.
Camera setup is such an important starting point for anyone looking to create quality video content. The way your camera is positioned will make or break your video. Landscape mode is the best way for shooting video with your phone that is intended for all viewing platforms. Nothing can take your audience out of the moment like watching a video shot in the wrong aspect, with more black bars on the screen than video footage. How are you holding your phone? Sure you can attempt to keep your phone as steady as possible, but it’s never going to perfect. If you’re filming a stationary shot, your best investment can be a tripod for your phone. There are several quality options to choose from, and many are rather inexpensive.
Videos are all about first impressions. The first 10-20 seconds are so crucial. If the picture is washed out by light or so dark that it’s difficult to make out who is talking, viewers will tune out. The light on your iPhone is nice, but not always the best option. There are simple fixes for this, and they have to deal with your environment. Shooting near a window can provide good natural light, but sometimes the sun can negatively affect the finished product. Experiment shooting clips in different areas of your office, warehouse, home, or even outside. See what works best. It also can’t hurt to purchase a lighting setup to avoid the problem completely. Our friends over at Wistia have more on lighting setups for every budget.
One of the biggest problems we see in videos is actually what we hear in videos. When shooting a video with a phone, it creates a balancing act. On one hand, the phone needs to be far enough back from the subject to see everything in its entirety. On the other hand, the microphone must be close enough to pick up the audio of the speaker and not unwanted background noise. One way to combat this issue, instead of turning your small office into a movie set with boom mics, is to use a second phone to record audio up close using a basic voice memo app. Think of recording a live demo of a new piece of foodservice equipment. You want to get the full picture of the chef, the audience, and most importantly, the food. By adding a second phone close by to record the audio you won't lose a great shot in the process.
The most important way to produce high-quality video offerings that not only resonate with your audience but will get them to come back to your site for more video content is to create as much as you can. Repetition helps you learn the intricacies of creating videos and learn the behind-the-camera nuances, but it also does wonders for the person in front of the camera in feeling more comfortable. It also helps in discovering what video lengths work best and the styles of videos that are keeping visitors engaged. If you find yourself or your subject talking too much, learn from it and adjust the next time. Soon you’ll be projecting your voice, looking relaxed, and shooting better video content for the entire foodservice world to see.