TMC Digital Media Learning Center: Inbound Marketing and Sales Enablement for the Foodservice Industry

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27 February 2018
Instagram has finally opened up their platform to integrate in with 3rd party software apps like HubSpot.
For us HubSpotters (marketers), this is big news and provides a lot of value. 
Here is a four minute video demonstration of this new feature.
[4 mins]


09 January 2018
Today I was on Facebook, and someone had posted one of those statuses that informs you you're not really their "friend" if you don't copy and paste the status as your own.
Like me, you've probably noticed that most people who post these statuses tend to be of the only demographic still forwarding chain e-mails (i.e. grandparents, great-grandparents, and anyone over the age of 70). So what followed wasn't all that surprising.


29 November 2017

What are the top social media trends for 2018? How can your foodservice business capitalize on them? 

Let's take a look at SocialMediaToday's recent infographic in the short video below.


31 October 2017

Email marketing open rates and click-through rates (CTRs) are what they are. When email was fresh and exciting in the 1990s, it was common to see open rates of 90 percent or more. Today, in the age of too many emails and too little time, 20 percent open rates are considered a good goal. A two to four percent CTR is decent, but is that really enough? Is your business really reaching the number of end-users it needs to for future growth?


16 October 2017

The year 2010 seems like it was just yesterday, doesn’t it? But if you think about it, digital years are like dog years, they go by so fast. So, although it’s actually only been seven years, in the digital marketing world, 2010 was almost fifty years ago.  


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